How does the code helps to lead the statistics, Mathematics and verbose and even much more.

Coding Agenda in 21st CenturyπŸ‘†πŸ‘‡πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰

In the present world we are well known because we got advanced technology and usage of all type of programming languages to do the online business, Big MNC's and corporate working employees merged with this outsource and many resources got a scale of measurement that happens casually everyday.

Coding is the main resource we keep focussing it for a big usage in marketting, memorizing and also developing softwares which we call as DevOps. 

First and foremost thing we can and must train our mind for a logical reasoning and conceptual knowledge on theories helps us to land in case of modelling deploying every programming language has its own usage and adavantage people think there is no gateway to learn coding but nowadays coding is supported in regional languages also to reach and approach village side people.

Let us cope up with showing inrterest in key patterns for every programming language.
For better understanding of coding with Data structures and algorithms please go thoroughly with this link.

After seeing this blog we may get some useful agenda of this coding usually we fear to coding but as of natural and future combinations we see coding as eating a Hot cake this hot cake we maay feel cool when  we are engaged to see different programming languiages and their styles and approach.

You may have seen and heard about Downline and upline codes which usually finds helping our formats in different out resourcing like geeks for geeks and w3schools and even stackoverflow.
Keep this as a side habit of browsing to get knowledge on coding but not by peeking into other codes like in github.

There are many languages we learn for our day to day on our daily basis for living likewise we keep programming languages only on software or some laptops and personal computers and even sometimes in mobile phones.

we must think that how the new inventions came in history of coding and also their blueprints and documentaries for those patterns in coding.

There are 10 such programming languages to learn coding and different in their data structures and algorithms needed to skim into outlines of magic  where we do it in notepad and usage of notepad in coding gives a better perfection and will make us to perform coding in fluent and efficient way.

There are sufficient resource to use it in our daily basis usually in google or some other sites we use it to browsing. Please go through this link to get some syntaxes and their ideas in different programming laguages.

If we have a good cause of understanding such huge ideas at a time we can synchronise every data in our mind and this analyzation keeps our knowledge in coding as well as scripting like in HTML, CSS and JS.

Keep thinking from scratch and give a good vocabulories of coding if you connect to this you can land into big big coding in habitual routines and gives more thoughts and ideas.

After you attain a beginner or novice try to compete with different competitions and you can do that if you are deeply thoughtful and encourage the knowledge of coding.

According to History of coding we have gathered in different phrases and working style on modern technologies.

we can even become an intermediate advanced and also if we have been trying a lot more jobs we can also make a own research on how coding works and also give our youths who are the best sources of outcome nowadays. 

Keep focussing on digitalized and modern world carries new system of ideas which we can understand only if we accelerate our next step to look after coding. On one way of understanding coding its living because we use lot of electronic devices for mathematical computation and in data science we use it as statistics and probability.

I say These kind of blogs just give you a small glimpses but as if we start coding from scratch we are in the pond of ocean and we keep tracing our milestones  and memorizing basic and also theories will keep our touch sense of formatting and reusing in the form of codes.

There are many such languges but few of them like Javascript, python and java (inside java -corejava and JRE and also JDK keeps our data structures and algorithms saved in our pocket like save that blueprints in mind).

Note: all of these points are given as best out sourcing we can think big only when we are into the ocean then only we can float at the top of ocean.

if we emerge out as a leader we must notice some good habits or hoping the best key to success.
nowadays coding is also futurising the best way to run through electronic devices and In bangalore and chennai we have top coders and there will be a circumstances where every coder does mistakes none of the people are perfectiist in the whole world, mistakes are common source of attracting and motivating others.

Key points 

1. Go through about all languages and choose which programming language has which advantage and also it carries ease of understanding like a flow of codes in python

2.Keep tracing and dont do plagerism and use your own notations and keywords .

3. there are different junctions in many palces like wise we choose one of that choice for living.

4. keep focussing it for surviving and not on hacking or somewhat copy pasting others.

5. look the code in beautiful manner where we can undersatnd and could recognize mathematical functions and present it to others it will keep you more sense of understanding coding.

6. create a data structures and algorithms where you have less knowledge.

7.keep progressing every time utilize the online resources and if we are out of station in thinking a best code we must analyze that in theoritical way.

8. do it by keeping i can and erase the t in I can't.

9. there are huge complications and we work hard for simplifying those in a good form of keyphrases in coding.

Thank you all for visiting my site to conquer the knowedge and being informed.
Thanks a lot.


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