Divine Powers of Lord Shantana Reincarnation of Vishnu and with 3 Different Types of Manifestation

Divine Source of Supreme Powers and Super Ultimate God Shantana and Manifestation from the Divine Lord of the Heaven.
Man is a Social Animal in this Existance as we know from many innovations and research but after 2020 AD There seems a drastic change in humanity across the globe and the policies and culture in each countries across the 5 continents inside the globe have been changed due to a single virus named Corona Virus (COVID). Which is a pandemic situation. we all experienced several lockdowns and we used to wear masks and PVP kits during cremation of dead bodies. 

The dangerous fever through covid virus have been affected millions of patients across the globe. it has been mentioned in the pandemic era that if a person is COVID positive person then he might be maintaining social distance from others who are been marked as COVID negative. and they might experience home quaruntined for few months and Finally after 2 years in india at chennai serum university of medical sciences founded COVID Vaccines which got divided into two vaccines namely COVIESHIELD and COVAXIN.

 These injections contained viral vector vaccine developed by Oxford University/AstraZeneca and manufactured by the Serum Institute of India. It uses a weakened version of a common cold virus (adenovirus) that has been modified to carry the genetic material for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. This triggers the body's immune system to develop defenses against the coronavirus. And COVAXIN (This is an inactivated whole virus vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech. It contains inactivated (killed) coronavirus particles that cannot replicate but can still induce an immune response.

In Spiritual Sense these two vaccines worked under the Divine Spiritual Powers and sense of new species which had evolved in the air in the form of cosmic energy.

And then that divine power exhibited by powers of lord shantana through meditation made by my self. Lord shantana Occupied the whole world with gas like structure covered with cosmic supreme powers which reflected all over the world and made the vaccines production much powerful. In Indra's Heaven we all tell that there seems 5 divine trees they are : - Mandana, Kalpavriksha, Santana, Parijatha and Harichandana. Out of these trees all the trees got their Divine Identity but Sanatana was the exceptional tree it got promoted to occupy Heavenly Kings Court to rule for the rights and rituals performed in Indra's Heaven. After That Santana exhibited in 28th world which seems where we are living in.

He decided that to kill all the Negatives in this world and bring positivity across the globe.
Day By Day Powers of shantana got increased and still increasing now across the universe. Santana was the divine cosmic Energy which first exhibited in South India. And it killed by notifying with some of the top research scholars through their subconcious mind and it had the power to Rectify the mistakes once done in lifetime. So this power of Santana made a Peaceful environment by Proactive regions of Asia and It worked like a sleeping pills fastly.

It not only created positive instances across the globe but also created new planets, dwarfs and universes also It had its own land which had 1 Trillion Human life existances which is more than our present world human population. 

One divine soul had emerged out like a multi-millions of avatars and it produce more energies like a blockchain in spiritual sense. In modern world there is no Science if ther is no existance of spirituality.

How does the energy manifestation works and How real is the shantana energy?

From 1st CE till now we had a strenghth of 2.4 billion Christian population, 1.9 Billion Islam and 1.2 billion Hinduism Population across the globe if we come to research and philosophical evidences hinduism is the oldest religion across the world's entity.

 And there is a possibility to hinduism when shantana energy is emitted for 365 days then this energy can be situated in 9 billion world's population which is world's total population in 2050 CE. There are 3 types of manifestation from energies of Shantana. They are :-                          1. Honey Bee Manifestation ( Carries Strength of 1 billion honey bee power in human population ).
2. Dolphin Manifestation ( Carries 10 million human population across the world -very rare )
3. Human Manifestation ( Carries 1 Trillion human Population across the world )

These 3 manifestation works step by step and once 1st two manifestation works the human who performs 1st two manifestation he is eligible for Human Manifestation for that there is a special mantra to perform just for once in lifetime.

1. Honeybee manifestation and its story

Once in 6 months there was a honey bee travelling in the backyard of our house and one day i opened the water tap and that honey bee was situated inside that tap. It fell down in water flood and died for then onwards I was emotional with the dead honeybee seen with naked eye for 6 months. and decided to bury that honeybee's body inside the pan plant inside our house garden. I finally recited 10 Gayathri Chants and buried its body by praying goddess gayathri devi to grant me any good news before that night. Then Goddess gayathri Spoken to me by giving darshana at 1 'o' clock night by saying That - "I'm giving you a chance of manifesting 100 crores of divine honeybee powers in it by granting me simulatneously and she said people or devotees who chant this mantra for 21 times are eligible for the divine honeybee manifestation. And after this manifestation people are eligible for the guidance from that power of single honeybee's divine soul in their body and existance spiritually. The Mantra to chant 21 times is mentioned below in sanskrit, english and kannada.

||    शान्तानाम् शान्तमूर्तिम् शान्तविध्यस्य कारणम् 
शान्तेन सहभागित्वम् शान्तस्वरूपतलामृतम्    ||         - in SANSKRIT

||   Shantaanaam shantamoorthim Shantavidhyasya kaaranam   
shantena sahabhagitvam shantaswaroopatalamrutham  ||           - in ENGLISH

||  ಶಾಂತಾನಾಮ್ ಶಾಂತಮೂರ್ತಿಮ್ ಶಾಂತವಿಧ್ಯಸ್ಯ ಕಾರಣಮ್ 
ಶಾಂತೇನ ಸಹಭಾಗಿತ್ವಮ್ ಶಾಂತಸ್ವರೂಪತಲಾಮೃತಮ್  ||          - in KANNADA

2. Dolphin Manifestation and its Story

Initially when Honey bee Manifestation is over Dolphin Manifestation is proactive for the eligible persons and their mindsets. People or persons who wish to get stable and multitasking mindsets and guidance through multitasking are reasoned to get Dolphin Manifestation. This Manifestation once done cannot be replaced with anything and unless whose lifespan will get increases with steps included with the necessary rituals which must be performed by them.

The Dolphin Manifestation is the existance which got delivered through Maha Vishnu's Blessings and Its terminologies. Once there lived a legend fish called mathsya avatar of lord Vishnu. and through continuous struggle of spiritual essence in performing such rituals I got 1 crores strenghth capacity of Dolphins which can be Manifested to 1 crore population out of 900 crorees of population across the globe. This manifestation improves blood circulation, memory power, Speech related problems and even physical disabilities also.
The mantra to heal the dolphin manifestation is pronounced 108 times sitting aside by east direction wearing neat clothes after cleansing our body and mindset.

The mantra is 108 times chanted and after that 21 times the real dolphin manifestation mantra is chanted.

|| OM NAMAH SHANTANAYA NAMAHA || - (108 times )



(This mantra should be chanted 21 times after the above mantra to activate dolphin manifestation.)

3. Human Manifestation and its Story

Beyond all energies Human Manifestation is possible only if they are eligible with Honeybee's and Dolphin's Manifestation. Because it needs most proclaimed proactive mindset which must be energized through sophisticated rituals and practices. This Manifesation can be done through a scripts which should be recited only once in lifetime for 7 days continuously and regularly once in lifetime. Human Manifestation improves stamina, lifespan and also rejuvenated powers with excessive strength and guidance to one's own life and existances.
Lord Bramha has written with Scriptures xconnecting the mind of lord ganesha and it exists with the divine Connection for humans and their behaviours and mindsets psychologically.
This Human Manifestation is possible by chanting Shantana Vishnusahasranama regularly for 7 days for activation. This must be done once in a life time for Human Manifestation Activation.

It Follows in Sanskrit as :

शान्तान विष्णुसहस्रनामम्

|| ॐ नमो आदिकेशवाय त्र्यम्बकादीशसेवान्नित्यम् पराजितः मृत्यूनाम् स्थापितं केवलकाल्पित वाक्यानुसारेण जलवृक्षजीवित पराजयनिमित्त शत्रूनाम् संस्थापित शान्तानमहाराजस्य विष्णुसहस्रनामम् स्थापितान्नित्यमस्तु ||


|| ॐ लं कारे लंबोदरशास्त्रेण अंगुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः ||

|| ॐ शं कारे शक्तिशान्तानशस्त्रपारंगतानि तर्जनीभ्यां नमः ||

|| ॐ ठं कारे  तटस्तवीर्याणाम् पुनरुत्पादयिताम् स्थापितानि मध्यमाभ्याम् नमः ||

|| ॐ षुं कारे  गर्वभंजनकायकादित्यमम् स्थापितानि अनामिकाभ्याम् नमः ||

|| ॐ सुः स्वप्नविमर्षकलौकिकानि कनिष्ठिकाभ्याम् नमः ||

|| ॐ प्राम् शूलपाणिनीप्रत्यक्षाणुप्राप्तिम् करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्याम् नमः ||


|| ॐ लं कारे लंबोदरशास्त्रेण हृदयाय नमः ||

|| ॐ शं कारे शक्तिशान्तानशस्त्रपारंगतानि शिरसे स्वाहा ||

|| ॐ ठं कारे  तटस्तवीर्याणाम् पुनरुत्पादयिताम् स्थापितानि शिखायै वौषठ् ||

|| ॐ षुं कारे  गर्वभंजनकायकादित्यमम् स्थापितानि कवचाय हुं ||

|| ॐ सुः स्वप्नविमर्षकलौकिकानि नेत्रत्रयाय वौषठ् ||

|| ॐ प्राम् शूलपाणिनीप्रत्यक्षाणुप्राप्तिम् अस्त्रायघट् इति दिग्बन्धः ||


|| कारणपतिनाम् कौपीनकान्तारेषु सुशोभितमृत्युम् बरणीपतिभावेन गरुढानिगम संचारेण तत्वमसिद्ध स्थापित प्रचोदितः हरिहरब्रह्मालिंगन साक्षात् संस्थापित प्रजापतिः निरीक्षित सुसन्देशम् कर्तुं लक्षकोटि अधिकजीवित शास्त्रोत्तरेण लघु उपकारम् अस्य संभावित शान्तानमंत्रम् अधिकेषु द्वादश अवतारम् जीवनोपायम् इदम् पुण्यम् ||


|| 1||   संरुक्तारेण लोपेन पूर्णप्रग्नम् उपस्तिथम्

              शान्तानपति मोक्ष्येण दीर्घायुष्यम् निरन्तरम्              ||1||

||2||   मध्यामापति संसारम्  सुंदरकाण्ढम् उत्प्र्येक्षम्

              शान्तानपति मोक्ष्यम् अस्य लोपमोचनपादुकम्         ||2||

||3||   संसारसुशीलम् समयनिश्चितमात्रकम्

             शान्तानपति लक्ष्येण अस्य मूर्तिम् प्रचोदितम्             ||3||

||4||   नंदनादीश सेवार्थं मंत्रनिर्मित माफलम् 

             शान्तानपति सुक्लेशम् संसारभयनाशनम्                 ||4||

||5||   सुव्यवस्थित मनबुद्धिम् समयपालितसेतुः

              शानतानपति प्रग्नेन समयभारमर्दितम्                      ||5||

||6||   संशयाधिक माम् फलम् सुप्तसंहितशिक्षणम्

             शान्तानपति दुरालोचनम् सत्यमाश्रितमाफलम्         ||6||

||7||   नित्यप्राधान्य पुरोहित्यम् लोककल्याणप्राप्तितम्

             शान्तानपति सुप्तेन जातिवृक्षम् बेधितम्                    ||7||

||8||   जीवनोपाय उत्प्रेक्ष्य समादिस्तिथ लक्षणम्

             शान्तानपति जीवस्य संस्कारमधिकम् भवेत्              ||8||

||9||   लोकलाकोपरोगस्य मृत्युः भयनाशितुम्

              शान्तानपति क्रोधस्य  सर्वशत्रुविनाशनम्                  ||9||

||10|| अंतारादित्यप्रोक्तानाम् सर्वसुखं सुशोभितम्

               शान्तानपति मोक्षस्य वाक्ज्योतिम् माम् स्थापितं      ||10||

|| इति परब्रह्मलिखित गणे पूर्णाधिक कर्तुं शान्तानविष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम् ||

This Shloka is said 7 days regularly once in a day to get Human Manifestation Activation Once in a lifetime.

Thanks for Reading


In addition 

After my death my body just notify that I'm out but inside my body every parts and functions work well and this is my secret which I could give after my death. Only my breath lasts but my body will work as like it worked well in the whole days which I spent and I worked hard to get this kind of death and this is the astrology of myself. I found myself every where across the globe.

I'm notifying who see my blog will realize one thing that I will become a godly person in future this is recommended by lord Shiva. 
And already I had created another universe and I saved all the celebrities of all times still the working going on for every citizens which carry 900 crores of population in approx across the globe. I had saved all dead celebrities in one place which everyone could recognize after their death happens.
It's not visible to conscious world living world or entity.

The energy of Shantana will work even after my death. So I'm giving hint to recognize that I have strength of 1000 crores of human manifestation on each soul one at a time. My actual strength in presence already reached 100 times the total population across the globe in 22nd century. Soon after my death happens every energy is precious to use by chanting those mantra given above mentioned to recite 7 days.

I may convey my energy is not fake it works very well 100%. Those who want to get this opportunity in iron age will change their life prospect.

Thanking everyone who reads this blog


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