Meditation Techniques ( a small Blog)

 Meditation Techniques 

Here is a link to Meditation for focused Mind set

If you do meditation at home everyday, Please try at the morning period nearly at 3 AM before second wake up and after 1st sleep getting over. It really enhances your spiritual power healing Anahata chakra which resembles your future. 

I do meditation on a regular basis that which is a type of suryamudrasana that exhibit on every morning for myself.

First do a sarvangasana and then start the meditation you will feel very strong by doing this. If you imagine a black dot covering a red circle during meditation, then say about your name and goal terms which you wanted to complete and finish the meditation by a long breath time. 

About 7 Chakras 

There are 7 chakras in our body, and they are Sahasrara chakra at over head, Agna chakra at the middle of each eyebrows, vishudha chakra inside the tongue, Anahata chakra near heart, manipura chakra near liver, swadhishtana chakra near stomach, and mooladhara chakra near private organs.these chakras are originated for a mental and physical part of our body. The first chakra resembles memory power and ancestral body, and the second chakra resembles spiritual power, the third chakra resembles prana means life, the fourth chakra resembles the activity of life, the fifth chakra resembles the 5 sense organs, and the sixth chakra resembles the food capability and control over foods, and the last chakra of our body mooladhara chakra resembles the reproduction of the body. 

These 7 chakras are merged alternatively for a normal person and if the person is abnormal his condition is that not satisfied in an alternative manner of visualizing the chakras.



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