10 Different Mind mapped ways to become best of all by choosing One Successful path to be successful in life.
10 Different Mind mapped ways to become Best of All by choosing One Successful path to be successful in life. O nce in my life i had seen 10 different dreams of my life carrying successful goals to reach my life twists and one among them is the strongest tool that i believed to get succeed. So in our real life we have lot of problems faced to earn money in 8 different directions which we call 8 faces in sanskrit known as (ashtadikpalakas and diksoochanas). When we did our good deeds we opt to remember one such incident after praying god and even after doing good deeds for a relations who enters our home we must keep their comfort in a good way (athithisathkaras). After 8 directions we must encatch 7 oceanic types which are covered in earth on a safer side for longevity of our life we must carry 2 siddhantas that is success and failure. 1. The most percent of truths in all lives is failures since competitors are more for that. We must trust our inner existence by clearing obstacle...