Astrology and it's Usage in future
ASTROLOGICAL BENEFITS IN FUTURE GENERATIONS The basic knowledge of astrology starts with the palmistry, face reading and astrology is the means of knowing the unknown qualities of a known /unknown person. depending on this we are able to bring few things are left in astrology ,the main thing is to understand the rashi or a zodiac signs and nakshatras we say as in Hindu mythology we have started this astrological culture from past 10 centuries. we hope that even the fingers tells us about the astrology, thus astrology is a form of business nowadays and also a social activity which has involved in us. According to astrology there is no limitation of saying a few things to a unknown qualified person. if the person wants to see his punarjanma or previous life he wants his hypnotic mindset similarly if he wants to know about his future he should follow some basic mathematics involved in astrology. generally we see astrology in their birth dates and timings but if we want to go wi...